Private Registration

All domain registries require your accurate registrant information - typically your personal information - for every domain you register. By default, your contact information is publicly accessible via a simple WHOIS search. With Private Registration, your contact details remain secure.

Private Registration

Keep your personal information confidential.

Spammers use automated WHOIS and domain lookup tools to obtain personal information, increasing the risk of identity theft. Don’t put your identity at risk. Get Private Registration and protect yourself from threats online. Here’s what you’ll get from our service:

o365 features

Keeps Information Safe

No need to jeopardize your online identity over your domain. Your contact information will be hidden on WHOIS queries, protecting you from attacks like identity theft, data mining, and domain hijacking.

o365 features

Anti-Spam Protection

Without a privacy service, newly-registered domains are easily vulnerable to scammers selling all kinds of “products and services”. We’ll protect your site from pesky spam emails and other types of domain-related spamming.

o365 features

Live Support

Need some help? Got any questions or problems you’ve encountered? Contact our customer service team through either call, chat, or email. Our team will be happy to assist you.


$ 10.00

/ year
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